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Best Business Track - Trent, Guelph, Laurier, York, Brock
Hi! I have an 82 average and decent extra-currics. What is the best business program out of the below for getting a good solid job (maybe +100K) after graduating?
Law and Business - Ryerson (Ted Rogers)
Business/Sports Management - Brock
Bachelor of Business Administration BBA - Trent
Bachelor of Business Administration BBA - Guelph
Bachelor of Business Technology BBT - Laurier
BMOS at Western
Law and Business - Ryerson (Ted Rogers)
Business/Sports Management - Brock
Bachelor of Business Administration BBA - Trent
Bachelor of Business Administration BBA - Guelph
Bachelor of Business Technology BBT - Laurier
BMOS at Western

As far as the programs go, I go to Trent and am minoring in business. I absolutely love every class and professor I've had so far within the business program. Trent is a small school, but is totally underrated! Ranked #1 in Ontario for undergrad programs and #2 in Canada for undergrad programs! It's a really great program with a number of specializations to choose from (if you wish to do so).
Good luck with your applications!
Business is such a unique (and awesome) program to go to school for. I think that business gives you more freedom career wise than any other field of study. I mean, even if you are majoring in neuroscience or astronomy, one of your main goals is still to get a job that makes you lots of money upon graduating. Business focuses much more on this and thus allows for a much easier transition from studying to working, and arguably, prepares you more than any other program for making money. As long as food and shelter costs money, you'll need to know how to make some dough!
I think BBA's becoming such an "average" or overlooked type of degree by employers is due to this fact that business is really the staple of everything that humans do Monday-Friday. Business comes into play in every single job that will ever exist so it's expected that if you want one of the less common and better paying jobs, that you have more than just business sense (a business degree).
On that note, I will say that going to school for business is great, and you should definitely do so, but when it comes time to get a job (especially one making you $100K+ annually), any of the degrees you listed will not likely get you there alone. You will need experience. If I were you, I would select the program that excites you most, and the one of the field that you would likely look to find a part-time job (or multiple) in, throughout the duration of your studies. Try to focus on that one thing within business, and become extremely good at it.
Best of luck. :)