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Questions about Ivey AEO Applications
Hey people,
I have mid-high 80s and I'm really hoping that my marks will go up second semester. I'm trying to take as many bird courses as I can.
My extra-curriculars are:
prefect exec.
swim team
leadership camp supervisor (2.5 years)
volunteering in Thailand
around 809 volunteer hours
school basket ball team player (3.5 years)
x-country team (2 years)
Do I have a chance at getting into Ivey? Any alum or current people who can shed some light?
I have mid-high 80s and I'm really hoping that my marks will go up second semester. I'm trying to take as many bird courses as I can.
My extra-curriculars are:
prefect exec.
swim team
leadership camp supervisor (2.5 years)
volunteering in Thailand
around 809 volunteer hours
school basket ball team player (3.5 years)
x-country team (2 years)
Do I have a chance at getting into Ivey? Any alum or current people who can shed some light?

Your extracurriculars look really solid in regards to applying for AEO status. However, to be a competitive applicant, a 90%+ average would be best. If you are able to pull up your average in your second semester I am sure that you'll be a very solid candidate.
For more information, check out the Ivey website
Hope this helps!