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Tips for Finding a Job for After Graduation Before Graduating


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This is really interesting! Thank you for sharing. I also found, that it is crucial to make and have connections in the field that you want to work in. Because people would rather hire someone that "helped" them out before rather than a complete stranger. I am in the design field and after I graduated, it was difficult to find a proper job. I interned for a year, did a lot of volunteer work, connected with people, knew every software out there, but in the end it boiled down to actually knowing an individual in the firm I wanted to work at. At the same time I realized that as students we have a better chance in entering a large corporation rather than a small business, even if you start with a very basic position, there is room to grow. My approach became picking a boss rather than a company.

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